Thursday, July 9, 2009

YAY for Thursday

I am SO happy to have gotten over the mid-week hump on Wednesday...which I made my off day apparently because I decided as I was getting ready to go for a run that I just didn't feel like it!  What is wrong with me?!  I guess I am going to have more off days this week than usual.

Todays run went okay.  I ran the cross-country course twice in 1 hr  00 minutes 09 seconds.  I was kinda frustrated because my goal was under an hour.  I can keep at it.  I am having trouble pushing past this 10k mark!!  I start to go a little further and my legs just feel like that weight 1000 lbs!  I am not really sure what I am supposed to do to get past this...but with the half-marathon just a few short months away I need to figure it out and soon.

Song of the day "Independent"

Thought for the day: "Instead of mourning your failure, why don't you find out why did you fail, learn from it, and try again?"

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Beginning Blogging

Well..I have never done this whole blogging thing before but my friend and partner in running crime Barbie inspired me to blog about my training. I am gonna see how this goes...I forsee this not being updated often, but I am gonna do my best.